DID YOU KNOW? We have our own Spotify channel called: The Neo-Yogi.
A new-age podcast with in-depth talks & meditation. It's available now with free, full-length meditations, as well as heart felt conversations hosted by studio owner, Dee, & her fabulous co-host, Tami. We discuss life through a yogi's eyes, what it means to undergo deep healing, what it looks like to practice yoga off the mat, as well as taboo concepts of death, advocacy in death & justice.
with Your Favorite Gypsy Instructors!
Never miss a practice! Our teachers have the passion, expertise, and sense of humor make your practice at home fun and powerful. Whether at home or wherever you are, all you need is a pair of ear buds or speakers, your yoga mat, and the gypsies to guide you. These recorded full-length classes will get you moving with the flow of your breath & will raise your internal temperature. New podcasts are uploaded, so be sure to check back for fresh, new classes.
Any purchased class will be sent to your email address, and once downloaded - are yours to keep for good!
Be sure to browse our Spotify channel: The Neo-Yogi Talks for free full-length meditations.